

First thing you want to choose is your Skateboard deck! This is probably the most Exciting and confusing part but Don't worry Lead has you covered with the best skate board decks there is! From your favorite Skate brand to your favorite pro skater decks come in many different shapes and sizes! Make sure you check our size chart to help determine your size (Link to Chart) Now click the Link to get to choose your Skate board Deck

Size Chart
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When it comes to your Skateboard's Trucks it's a lot easier you just have to make sure they are the same width as your Skate Deck and if you are not sure what skateboard deck size goes with what truck size check our truck size chart (Link to Chart) every skateboard needs two trucks it's what helps your skateboard to turn and holds your wheels and bearing Now Click the Link to choose your trucks

Size Chart
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Picking out your wheels is mostly determine on your skateboarding style! Skateboard wheels are different by size and by the durometer the hardness of them! Each of your favorite skateboard brands will let you know, but don't worry Lead has you covered too! Your Skateboard wheel size a quick suggestion based on your skateboarding style 52mm-56mm: for street and park skating. 56mm-65mm: for vert, ramps, and bowls. 65mm-70mm: for cruising and carving. Now when it comes to hardness, street and park skateboard wheels will always be the hardest. while if you just want to cruise cruiser wheels or choosing a softer wheel will be the best, just because choosing a softer wheel will allow your cruise through just about any type of surface. Now that you have a better understanding in skateboard wheels make sure to add a set to your skateboard

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Choosing grip tape can be just as exciting as choosing your skateboard deck, Just because grip tape comes in many different colors and designs, and each skateboard grip determines the strength of it. Remember when building your Skateboard before anything else always put the grip tape first! or if your are in the area bring it to us! we don't mind building it for you

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This is the last and easiest purchase to complete your skateboard. When it comes to hardware it just a matter of Skateboard brand preference. Your skateboard hardware's purpose is to connect your skateboard deck to your trucks.Shop hardware

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Alright now that you have all the parts to build your skateboard, How are you going to put them together! if you don't have one already make sure to add a skate tool its easier to carry in your back pack and its the perfect size for all the bolts in your trucks and for hardware! But Remember before building your skateboard with your trucks make sure your have gipped your board first!

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